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There are 19 words ending with AGOS

ARCHIPELAGOSarchipelagos n. Plural of archipelago.
ARCHIPELAGO n. a chain or set of islands grouped together.
ASIAGOSasiagos n. Plural of asiago.
ASIAGO n. (Italian) a type of Italian cheese.
FARRAGOSfarragos n. Plural of farrago.
FARRAGO n. (Latin) a confused mixture.
GALAGOSgalagos n. Plural of galago.
GALAGO n. (Wolof) a kind of African lemur.
GALAPAGOSGalapagos prop.n. Alternative spelling of Galápagos.
Galápagos prop.n. The Galápagos Islands.
GALAPAGO n. (Spanish) a kind of tortoise.
IMAGOSimagos n. Plural of imago.
IMAGO n. (Latin) an insect in its final, adult, sexually mature, and typically winged state.
KAGOSkagos n. Plural of kago.
KAGO n. (Japanese) a basketwork passenger litter.
LUMBAGOSlumbagos n. Plural of lumbago.
LUMBAGO n. (Latin) inflammation of the lumbar muscles and tendons.
PICHICIAGOSpichiciagos n. Plural of pichiciago.
PICHICIAGO n. (Spanish) a fairy armadillo, esp. the lesser or pink fairy armadillo, also PICHICIEGO.
PLUMBAGOSplumbagos n. Plural of plumbago.
PLUMBAGO n. (Latin) graphite.
PSEUDIMAGOSpseudimagos n. Plural of pseudimago.
PSEUDIMAGO n. a stage in the development of certain insects, such as the May flies, intermediate between the pupa and imago.
SAGOSsagos n. Plural of sago.
Sagos prop.n. Plural of Sago.
SAGO n. (Malay) a type of palm tree; a nutritive cereal derived from its pith.
SAPSAGOSSAPSAGO n. (German) a hard green Swiss cheese.
SOLIDAGOSsolidagos n. Plural of solidago.
SOLIDAGO n. a flower, goldenrod.
SUBIMAGOSsubimagos n. Plural of subimago.
SUBIMAGO n. a stage in the life of a mayfly.
VILIAGOSviliagos n. Plural of viliago.
VILLIAGOSvilliagos n. Plural of villiago.
VILLIAGO n. (Shakespeare) a coward, also VILIACO, VILIAGO, VILLAGIO, VILLIACO.
VIRAGOSviragos n. Plural of virago.
VIRAGO n. (Latin) a noisy, domineering woman.
VORAGOSVORAGO n. (Latin) a gulf.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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