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There are 20 eight-letter words ending with AGER

ASSUAGERassuager n. Someone who or something which assuages.
ASSUAGER n. one who assuages.
AULNAGERaulnager n. Alternative form of alnager.
AULNAGER n. cloth inspector, also ALNAGER.
AVERAGERaverager n. A system or process for computing averages.
AVERAGER n. in maritime law, a person who calculates average claims.
BANDAGERbandager n. One who applies a bandage.
BANDAGER n. one who bandages.
BONDAGERbondager n. (Scotland, historical) A field worker, especially a woman.
BONDAGER n. (historical) a field worker, esp. a woman who works in the field.
COTTAGERcottager n. A person who has the tenure of a cottage, usually also the occupant.
cottager n. (Britain, slang) One who engages in sex in public lavatories; a practitioner of cottaging.
Cottager n. (Soccer) someone connected with Fulham Football Club, as a fan, player, coach etc.
MASSAGERmassager n. An instrument or device designed to massage the body.
massager n. A masseur or masseuse.
MASSAGER n. one who massages.
PACKAGERpackager n. A person who packages.
packager n. A tool or machine used to package objects.
packager n. A company that hires writers and produces finished books to be sold on to publishers.
PASSAGERpassager n. (Falconry) A bird in its first year.
PASSAGER adj. as in passager hawk.
PILLAGERpillager n. A person who pillages.
PILLAGER n. one who pillages.
PRESAGERpresager n. One who, or that which, presages; a foreteller; a foreboder.
PRESAGER n. one who, or that which, presages.
RAMPAGERrampager n. A person who rampages.
RAMPAGER n. one who rampages.
RUMMAGERrummager n. One who rummages.
rummager n. (Obsolete) A worker in charge of stowing cargo on a ship.
RUMMAGER n. one who rummages.
SALVAGERsalvager n. A person who engages in salvage work.
SALVAGER n. one who salvages.
SCAVAGERscavager n. One who scavages.
SCAVAGER n. an officer who collected scavage, the toll for keeping the streets clean.
SCHLAGERschlager n. (Music, uncountable) A chiefly European style of popular music with light melodies (often easily danceable)…
schlager n. (Music, countable) A piece made in this style.
SCHLAGER n. (German) a duelling sword used in some German universities.
TEENAGERteenager n. A person between 13 and 19 years old.
teen-ager n. Dated spelling of teenager.
TEENAGER n. a person between the ages of thirteen and nineteen, also TEENER.
UPSTAGERupstager n. One who upstages.
UPSTAGER n. one who upstages.
VILLAGERvillager n. A person who lives in, or comes from, a village.
villager n. (Strategy games) A worker unit.
VILLAGER n. one who lives in a village.
VINTAGERvintager n. One who gathers the vintage, i.e. a grape harvester.
VINTAGER n. one that harvests wine grapes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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