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There are 16 seven-letter words ending with ANCE

ADVANCEadvance v. To promote or advantage.
advance v. To move forward in space or time.
advance v. To raise, be raised.
AIDANCEaidance n. Aid; assistance; help.
AIDANCE n. help.
ASKANCEaskance adv. (Of a look or glance) With disapproval, skepticism, or suspicion.
askance adv. Sideways; obliquely.
askance adj. Turned to the side, especially of the eyes.
BALANCEbalance n. (Uncountable) A state in which opposing forces harmonise; equilibrium.
balance n. (Uncountable) Mental equilibrium; mental health; calmness, a state of remaining clear-headed and unperturbed.
balance n. (Literally or figuratively) Something of equal weight used to provide equilibrium; counterweight.
CREANCEcreance n. (Obsolete) faith; belief; creed.
creance n. (Falconry) A long leash, or lightweight cord used to prevent escape of a hawk during training flights.
creance v. (Obsolete, transitive) To get on credit; to borrow.
DURANCEdurance n. (Obsolete) Duration.
durance n. (Obsolete) Endurance.
durance n. (Archaic) Imprisonment; forced confinement.
ENHANCEenhance v. (Obsolete) To lift, raise up.
enhance v. To augment or make something greater.
enhance v. To improve something by adding features.
FINANCEfinance n. The management of money and other assets.
finance n. The science of management of money and other assets.
finance n. (Usually in the plural) Monetary resources, especially those of a public entity or a company.
JOYANCEjoyance n. (Archaic, poetic) Enjoyment, joy, delight.
JOYANCE n. delight.
NOYANCEnoyance n. (Archaic) The state of being annoyed; distress, irritation.
noyance n. (Archaic) The act of annoying; molestation.
noyance n. (Law, obsolete) Nuisance.
PENANCEpenance n. A voluntary self-imposed punishment for a sinful act or wrongdoing. It may be intended to serve as reparation…
penance n. A sacrament in some Christian churches.
penance n. Any instrument of self-punishment.
ROMANCEromance n. A story relating to chivalry; a story involving knights, heroes, adventures, quests, etc.
romance n. A tale of high adventure.
romance n. An intimate relationship between two people; a love affair.
SONANCEsonance n. (Obsolete) A sound; a tune.
sonance n. (Obsolete) The quality or state of being sonant.
SONANCE n. a sounding, also SONANCY.
SURANCEsurance n. (Obsolete) assurance.
SURANCE n. (Shakespeare) assurance.
VACANCEvacance n. (Obsolete) A vacation.
VACANCE n. the state of being vacant, also VACANCY.
VALANCEvalance n. A short curtain that usually hangs along the top edge of a window.
valance n. A decorative framework used to conceal the curtain mechanism and so on at the top of a window.
valance n. (Bedding) A short, decorative edging of cloth that hangs from beneath the mattress to the floor used…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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