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List of 7-letter words ending with

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There are 7 seven-letter words ending with ACHE

ATTACHEattache n. Alternative form of attaché.
attaché n. A diplomatic officer, usually one who plays a specific role.
ATTACHE n. (French) a junior member of an ambassador's staff.
EARACHEearache n. (Medicine) A pain in the middle or inner ear.
earache n. (Informal) Annoyance or aggravation caused by noise, especially the sound of someone nagging, complaining…
EARACHE n. a pain in the ear.
GANACHEganache n. A rich sauce, made of chocolate and cream, used also as the filling of truffles, and as a glaze.
ganache n. (Historical) A kind of surcoat with short cap sleeves.
GANACHE n. (French) a sweet creamy chocolate mixture.
GOUACHEgouache n. (Painting) A thick, opaque watercolour paint made with gum containing an inert white pigment to make it opaque.
gouache n. (Painting, countable) A painting made with this paint.
gouache v. To produce work in the gouache medium.
PANACHEpanache n. (Countable) An ornamental plume on a helmet.
panache n. (Uncountable, figurative) Flamboyance, energetic style or action.
PANACHE n. (French) dash or flamboyance in style; verve.
RELACHERELACHE n. (French) a period of rest; a break from something.
TEPACHEtepache n. A fermented beverage, sometimes alcoholic, made from the peel and the rind of pineapples, which is sweetened…
TEPACHE n. (Spanish) a Mexican drink made with pineapple, brown sugar and water.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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