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There are 13 six-letter words ending with ALER

COALERcoaler n. A vehicle used for carrying or supplying coal.
COALER n. a ship that carries coal.
DEALERdealer n. One who deals in goods, especially automobiles; a middleman.
dealer n. A drug dealer, one who peddles illicit drugs.
dealer n. A particular type of stock broker or trader.
DIALERdialer n. A person or device that dials, as using a telephone.
DIALER n. one that dials, also DIALLER.
HEALERhealer n. One who heals, especially through faith.
healer n. Anything that heals; a medicine that heals some wound, injury, ailment, or disease.
HEALER n. one that heals.
LEALERlealer adj. Comparative form of leal: more leal.
LEAL adj. (Scots) loyal.
MEALERmealer n. (Historical, colloquial) A lodger who regularly left his or her accommodation to dine elsewhere, rather…
Mealer prop.n. A surname.
MEALER n. a device for converting grain into meal.
REALERrealer adj. Comparative form of real: more real.
realer n. (Slang, dated) A player of real tennis.
REAL adj. genuine.
SCALERscaler n. An electronic circuit that aggregates many signals into one.
scaler n. An electronic or computer system that adjusts the size of a signal or graphic to fit on a screen etc.
scaler n. One who scales.
SEALERsealer n. A tool used to seal something.
sealer n. A person who is employed to seal things.
sealer n. A coating designed to prevent excessive absorption of finish coats into porous surfaces; a coating designed…
STALERstaler adj. Comparative form of stale: more stale.
STALE adj. not fresh.
THALERthaler n. (Historical, numismatics) A monetary unit used in a number of central and northern European countries…
thaler n. (Historical, numismatics) The currency of Baden from 1829 to 1837, valued at 100 Kreuzer.
Thaler prop.n. A surname from German.
VEALERvealer n. A calf intended for use as veal.
VEALER n. a calf raised for food.
WHALERwhaler n. One who hunts whales; a person employed in the whaling industry.
whaler n. A seagoing vessel used for hunting whales.
whaler n. One who whales (flogs or beats).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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