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There are 20 six-letter words ending with ATA

ALBATAalbata n. A white alloy of copper, nickel and zinc, once used to make cheap cutlery etc.
ALBATA n. (Latin) a variety of German silver.
ATAATAATAATA n. (Maori) a grazing marine gastropod.
BALATAbalata n. Manilkara bidentata, a large South American tree that yields latex and edible yellow berries.
balata n. The latex obtained from this tree.
BALATA n. (Tupi) a large evergreen tropical tree; a gum produced from this, used as a substitute for rubber.
BATATAbatata n. Sweet potato (plant).
batata n. Sweet potato (foodstuff).
BATATA n. an aboriginal American name for the sweet potato.
BEMATAbemata n. Plural of bema.
BEMA n. (Greek) a platform in a synagogue, also BIMA, BIMAH.
BRAATABRAATA n. (Spanish) a small portion added to a purchase of food by a vendor to encourage the person to return, also BRAATAS, BROUGHTA, BROUGHTAS.
ERRATAerrata n. Plural of erratum.
errata n. An added page in a printed work where errors which are discovered after printing and their corrections…
ERRATA n. a list of printing errors.
IDEATAIDEATUM n. the real object of an idea.
LOMATALOMA n. (Greek) a membranous fringe or flap.
MATATAMATATA n. (Maori) a New Zealand bird, aka fernbird.
PINATApinata n. Alternative form of piñata.
pinata v. Alternative form of piñata.
piñata n. (Latin American culture) A doll or other decorated container that is filled with candy and hit with…
RELATArelata n. Plural of relatum.
RELATUM n. a term in a proposition that is related to the referent of the proposition.
ROBATArobata n. A charcoal grill used to prepare Japanese food for customers seated around the cooking area.
robata n. A restaurant featuring such a grill.
ROBATA n. (Japanese) a grill used for Japanese cooking.
SOMATAsomata n. Plural of soma.
SOMA n. (Greek) the whole axial portion of an animal, including the head, neck, trunk, and tail.
SONATAsonata n. (Music) A musical composition for one or a few instruments, one of which is frequently a piano, in three…
SONATA n. (Italian) a musical composition, usually of three or more movements, designed chiefly for a solo instrument.
STRATAstrata n. Plural of stratum.
strata n. (British Columbia) condominium unit, condominium building, condominium title.
strata n. (US, cooking) A kind of layered casserole dish in American cuisine.
TERATAterata n. Plural of teras.
TERAS n. (Greek) a monstrosity.
WAIATAwaiata n. (New Zealand) A Māori folk song.
WAIATA n. (Maori) a Maori song.
YUKATAyukata n. A kind of light kimono worn by both men and women.
YUKATA n. (Japanese) a kind of light kimono.
ZAPATAZapata prop.n. A peninsula in southern Matanzas, Cuba.
Zapata prop.n. A census-designated place, the county seat of Zapata County, Texas, United States.
ZAPATA adj. denoting a kind of drooping moustache.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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