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List of 6-letter words ending with

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There are 17 six-letter words ending with ASH

BEDASHbedash v. To dash against.
bedash v. To bespatter with liquid or powder.
bedash v. To ruin or obliterate.
CALASHcalash n. (Historical) Alternative form of calèche (“type of carriage with low wheels”).
calash n. (Now historical) A silk and whalebone hood worn by ladies to shade the face.
CALASH n. (French) a light low-wheeled carriage with folding top, also CALECHE, CALESA.
CAMASHCAMASH n. (Native American) a blue-flowered liliaceous plant of northwestern America, also CAMAS, CAMASS, QUAMASH.
EMDASHemdash n. Alternative spelling of em dash.
em-dash n. Alternative spelling of em dash.
em␣dash n. (Typography) The symbol (—) (used to demarcate a parenthetical thought or to indicate a break, or for emphasis).
ENCASHencash v. To convert a financial instrument or funding source into cash.
ENCASH v. to convert into cash.
ENDASHendash n. Alternative spelling of en dash.
en-dash n. Alternative spelling of en dash.
en␣dash n. (Typography) The punctuation mark –, which is used, for instance, to indicate a range.
FOGASHfogash n. Alternative form of fogas (“the fish”).
FOGASH n. (Hungarian) a fish, the pikeperch.
GAMASHGAMASH n. a type of legging, also GRAMASH, GRAMOCHE.
LAVASHlavash n. A soft, thin flatbread made with flour, water, yeast, and salt, baked in a tandoor. Toasted sesame seeds…
LAVASH n. a thin flat bread of Armenian origin.
POTASHpotash n. The water-soluble part of the ash formed by burning plant material; used for making soap and glass and…
potash n. (Chemistry) An impure form of potassium carbonate (K2CO3) mixed with other potassium salts.
potash n. (Chemistry, archaic) Potassium. Chiefly used in the names of compounds of the form "... of potash".
REHASHrehash v. (Transitive) To hash (chop food into small pieces) again.
rehash v. (Transitive) To repeat with minor variation.
rehash v. (Transitive) To analyze a prior contentious or embarrassing event.
REWASHrewash n. The act of washing something again.
rewash v. To wash again.
REWASH v. to wash again.
SIWASHSIWASH v. to camp out using only natural shelter.
SPLASHsplash n. (Onomatopoeia) The sound made by an object hitting a liquid.
splash n. A small amount of liquid.
splash n. A small amount (of color).
SQUASHsquash n. (Uncountable) A sport played in a walled court with a soft rubber ball and bats like tennis racquets.
squash n. (Britain) A soft drink made from a fruit-based concentrate diluted with water.
squash n. A place or a situation where people have limited space to move.
THRASHthrash v. To beat mercilessly.
thrash v. To defeat utterly.
thrash v. To thresh.
UNLASHunlash v. (Transitive) To unfasten.
UNLASH v. to untie the binding of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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