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List of 6-letter words ending with

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There are 16 six-letter words ending with ARA

AKHARAakhara n. A member of an order of ascetic monks in parts of India.
akhara n. A monastery used by this order.
AKHARA n. (Hindi) a gymnasium.
ANTARAAntara prop.n. A female given name from Sanskrit.
ANTARA n. (Quechua) a type of Andean panpipes.
ARAARAaraara n. (New Zealand) trevally, a kind of fish.
ARAARA n. (Maori) another name for trevally, a kind of horse-mackerel.
CURARAcurara n. Alternative form of curare.
CURARA n. (Caribbean) a paralysing poison extracted from the bark of certain South American trees, also CURARE, CURARI, URARE.
KINARAkinara n. A candle holder used in Kwanzaa celebrations.
KINARA n. an African candle holder.
KUMARAkumara n. (New Zealand) A sweet potato.
Kumara prop.n. A small town on the West Coast, South Island, New Zealand.
KUMARA n. (Maori) the sweet potato, also KUMERA.
LABARAlabara n. Plural of labarum.
LABARUM n. (Latin) a moral standard; an ecclesiastical banner bearing Christ's monogram.
MEGARAmegara n. Plural of megaron.
Megara prop.n. A city west of Athens in the Attica prefecture Greece.
MEGARON n. (Greek) the principal hall in an ancient Greek house.
PETARApetara n. Alternative form of pitarah.
PETARA n. (Hindi) in India, a travelling box for clothes, also PITARA, PITARAH.
PICARApicara n. A female picaro.
PICARA n. (Spanish) a (female) rogue.
PITARApitara n. Alternative form of pitarah.
PITARA n. (Hindi) a type of clothes basket, also PETARA, PITARAH.
SAMARAsamara n. The winged indehiscent fruit of trees such as the ash, elm or maple.
Samara prop.n. An oblast of Russia.
Samara prop.n. A city, the administrative center of Samara Oblast, Russia, the sixth-largest in the country by population.
SATARAsatara n. (Historical) A kind of ribbed, hotpressed and lustred woolen cloth.
SATARA n. (Hindi) a ribbed lustred wool.
TAMARAtamara n. (Archaic) A condiment popular in Italy, made of powdered cinnamon, cloves, coriander, etc.
Tamara prop.n. A female given name from Hebrew, regularly used in English since the mid-twentieth century.
TAMARA n. a mixture of cinnamon, cloves, coriander etc.
TOTARAtotara n. Podocarpus totara, a podocarp tree endemic to New Zealand.
totara n. Other species of genus Podocarpus.
TOTARA n. (Maori) a New Zealand timber tree, with reddish wood, mahogany pine.
VIHARAvihara n. A Buddhist monastery.
VIHARA n. (Sanskrit) a Buddhist or Jain temple or precinct.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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