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List of 4-letter words ending with

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There are 10 four-letter words ending with ATH

BATHbath n. A tub or pool which is used for bathing: bathtub.
bath n. A building or area where bathing occurs.
bath n. (Real estate, informal) Clipping of bathroom.
EATHeath adj. (Now chiefly dialectal) Easy; not hard or difficult.
eath adv. (Now chiefly dialectal) Easily.
EATH adj. (Spenser) easy, also EATHE, ETHE.
GATHGath prop.n. A surname.
GATH n. in Indian music, the second section of a raga.
HATHhath v. (Archaic) third-person singular simple present form of have.
HATH v. (archaic) 3rd person singular of have, to possess.
LATHlath n. A thin, narrow strip, fastened to the rafters, studs, or floor beams of a building, for the purpose…
lath n. (Geology, petrology) Microscopic, needle-like crystals, usually of plagioclase feldspar, in a glassy groundmass.
lath v. To cover or line with laths.
MATHmath n. (Uncountable, North America, Philippines) Clipping of mathematics.
math n. (Uncountable, North America, Philippines) Arithmetic calculations; (see do the math).
math n. (Countable, North America, Philippines) A math course / class.
OATHoath n. A solemn pledge or promise that invokes a deity, a ruler, or another entity (not necessarily present)…
oath n. A statement or promise which is strengthened (affirmed) by such a pledge.
oath n. A light, irreverent or insulting appeal to a deity or other entity.
PATHpath n. A trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians.
path n. A course taken.
path n. (Paganism) A Pagan tradition, for example witchcraft, Wicca, druidism, Heathenry.
RATHrath n. (Historical) A walled enclosure, especially in Ireland; a ringfort built sometime between the Iron Age…
rath n. A Burmese carriage of state.
rath adj. Alternative form of rathe.
TATHtath n. (UK dialectal, Scotland) The dung of livestock left on a field to serve as manure or fertiliser.
tath n. (UK dialectal, Scotland) A piece of ground dunged by livestock.
tath n. (UK dialectal, Scotland) Strong grass growing around the dung of kine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 26 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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