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There are 5 four-letter words ending with ARI

DARIdari n. (Archaic) Synonym of sorghum.
Dari prop.n. A variety of Middle Persian, the court language of the late Sassanid period and of classical Persian poetry.
Dari prop.n. The dialect of the Persian language as spoken natively by approximately one-half of the population in…
GARIgari n. Alternative form of garri (“West African food made from cassava”).
gari n. Thinly sliced marinated ginger served as a condiment with sushi.
GARI n. (Japanese) thinly sliced pickled ginger, served with sushi.
LARIlari n. The national currency of Georgia, divided into 100 tetri.
lari n. Plural of larin.
Lari prop.n. A taxonomic suborder within the order Charadriiformes – the gulls, terns, skuas, skimmers, etc.
SARIsari n. The traditional dress of women in the Indian Subcontinent; an outer garment consisting of a single length…
Sari prop.n. A city, the capital of Mazandaran province, northern Iran.
SARI n. (Hindi) an outer garment worn by Hindu women, also SAREE.
ZARIzari n. A fine gold or silver thread used in traditional Indian, Pakistani and Persian garments, especially…
Zari prop.n. A West Chadic language of Nigeria.
ZARI n. (Urdu) a type of thread made of fine gold or silver wire used in traditional Indian and Pakistani garments.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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