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There are 8 four-letter words ending with AGE

CAGEcage n. An enclosure made of bars, normally to hold animals.
cage n. The passenger compartment of a lift.
cage n. (Field hockey or ice hockey, water polo) The goal.
GAGEgage v. To bind by pledge, or security; to engage.
gage v. (Archaic) To wager, to bet.
gage v. (Obsolete) To give or deposit as a pledge or security; to pawn.
MAGEmage n. (Chiefly fantasy) A magician, wizard or sorcerer.
mage n. (Obsolete) Synonym of magus: a Zoroastrian priest.
MAGE n. a magician; a person of exceptional wisdom and learning, also MAGUS.
PAGEpage n. One of the many pieces of paper bound together within a book or similar document.
page n. One side of a paper leaf on which one has written or printed.
page n. (Figurative) Any record or writing; a collective memory.
RAGErage n. Violent uncontrolled anger.
rage n. A current fashion or fad.
rage n. (Obsolete) Any vehement passion.
SAGEsage adj. Wise.
sage adj. (Obsolete) grave; serious; solemn.
sage n. A wise person or spiritual teacher; someone of gravity and wisdom, especially, a teacher venerable for…
WAGEwage n. (Often in plural) An amount of money paid to a worker for a specified quantity of work, usually calculated…
wage v. (Transitive, obsolete) To wager, bet.
wage v. (Transitive, obsolete) To expose oneself to, as a risk; to incur, as a danger; to venture; to hazard.
YAGEyage n. Ayahuasca.
YAGE n. a tropical vine of the Amazon region, aka ayahuasca.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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