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List of 10-letter words ending with

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There are 15 ten-letter words ending with AKE

BLACKSNAKEblacksnake n. Alternative form of black snake: any of several relatively harmless North American snakes.
blacksnake n. (US) A long, tapering whip.
blacksnake n. (Chiefly vulgar, slang) A penis, especially a black penis.
CHAINBRAKECHAINBRAKE n. a cutoff safety device on a chainsaw.
CHEESECAKEcheesecake n. (Countable and uncountable) A pie made of sweetened and flavoured cottage cheese or cream cheese, eggs…
cheesecake n. (Countable and uncountable, obsolete) A pie made of cream, eggs and milk (somewhat resembling the modern…
cheesecake n. (Uncountable) Imagery of scantily clad, sexually attractive young women; pin-ups.
EARTHQUAKEearthquake n. A shaking of the ground, caused by volcanic activity or movement around geologic faults.
earthquake n. (Planetary geology) Such a quake specifically occurring on the planet Earth, as opposed to other celestial bodies.
earthquake v. (Intransitive) To undergo an earthquake.
GIRDLECAKEGIRDLECAKE n. a kind of scone, aka drop scone, also GIRDLESCONE.
JOHNNYCAKEjohnnycake n. (US) A dense, baked or fried flatbread made of cornmeal.
johnny␣cake n. (North America, Australia, New Zealand, colloquial) Alternative form of johnnycake (“type of basic cornbread”).
JOHNNYCAKE n. a kind of bread made of the meal of maize (Indian corn), mixed with water or milk, etc. and baked, also JONNYCAKE.
MICROQUAKEmicroquake n. Microearthquake.
MICROQUAKE n. a very small earthquake.
SHIELDRAKEshieldrake n. Obsolete form of sheldrake.
SHIELDRAKE n. a male shelduck, also SHELDRAKE, SHELLDRAKE.
SWEEPSTAKEsweepstake n. A lottery in which the prize or prizes constitute all the money paid by the participants.
sweepstake n. (US) A prize draw.
SWEEPSTAKE n. a method of gambling by which participators' stakes are pooled, numbers, horses, etc. assigned by lot, and prize(s) awarded accordingly on decision of event.
SWOOPSTAKEswoopstake n. Alternative form of sweepstake.
swoopstake adv. Alternative form of sweepstake.
swoopstake adv. All at once, without making distinctions.
TAILORMAKEtailor-make v. To customize or create specifically to meet the requirements of an individual.
tailor-make v. To make (clothes) by a tailor.
tailor␣make v. Alternative form of tailor-make.
WATERQUAKEwaterquake n. An earthquake that happens underwater, usually in an ocean or lake.
WATERQUAKE n. a seismic disturbance affecting the sea.
YELLOWCAKEyellowcake n. A concentrated form of uranium ore containing a mixture of oxides.
yellow␣cake n. (Mineralogy) Alternative form of yellowcake.
yellow␣cake n. (Cooking) Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see any yellow-colored cake.
YOUTHQUAKEyouthquake n. (Informal) A noticeable shift in society or culture in response to the activities or tastes of younger…
YOUTHQUAKE n. a shift in cultural norms influenced by the values, tastes, and mores of young people.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 148 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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