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List of 6-letter words ending with

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There are 13 six-letter words ending with AB

BAOBABbaobab n. A tree, Adansonia digitata (and similar species), native to tropical Africa, having a broad swollen…
BAOBAB n. an African tree with an enormously thick trunk and large edible pulpy fruit.
COLLABcollab n. (Informal) A collaboration, especially a work produced by several musicians who do not usually work together.
collab v. (Informal) To collaborate.
collab. n. Abbreviation of collaboration.
CONFABconfab n. (Informal) Clipping of confabulation (“a casual chat or talk”).
confab v. (Intransitive, informal) Clipping of confabulate (“to speak casually with somebody; to chat”).
CONFAB v. to converse, gossip.
JILBABjilbab n. A long, loose-fitting coat or similar garment worn by some Muslim women to fulfil hijab.
JILBAB n. (Arabic) a long robe worn by Muslim women.
LABLABlablab n. Any of the twining leguminous plants related to the bean, especially the hyacinth bean.
Lablab prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – the hyacinth bean.
LABLAB n. (Arabic) a tropical bean with edible pods.
LIBLABLib-Lab n. (UK politics, historical) A Liberal candidate who was financially maintained by trade unions and supposed…
LIBLAB n. a person supporting a coalition of liberal and labour groups.
MIHRABmihrab n. (Islam) A niche in a mosque that indicates the qibla (direction of Mecca), and into which the imam prays.
mihrab n. (Islam) A design in a Muslim prayer mat with the same function.
MIHRAB n. (Arabic) a niche or slab in a mosque marking the direction of Mecca.
NIQAABniqaab n. Alternative spelling of niqab.
NIQAAB n. (Arabic) a veil worn by some Muslim women, also NIKAB, NIQAB.
PREFABprefab adj. Prefabricated.
prefab n. A prefabricated building.
prefab n. A prefabricated section of a building.
PREHABprehab n. (Informal) prehabilitation.
PREHAB n. any programme of training designed to prevent sports injury.
SCARABscarab n. A beetle of the species Scarabaeus sacer, sacred to the ancient Egyptians.
scarab n. Any species of beetle belonging to the family Scarabaeidae.
scarab n. A symbol, seal, amulet, or gem fashioned to resemble the sacred beetle.
SERDABserdab n. A sealed chamber in an Ancient Egyptian tomb that held the ka statue of a deceased individual, having…
SERDAB n. (Persian) a chamber within an ancient Egyptian tomb.
SKYLABskylab n. An outer space laboratory.
skylab n. (Philippines) A motorcycle taxi with extension seats on the sides, configured by placing a wooden beam…
Skylab prop.n. An orbiting workshop and observatory built by NASA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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