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There are 14 four-letter words ending with AB

BLABblab v. (Transitive, intransitive) To tell tales; to gossip without reserve or discretion.
blab v. To speak carelessly or excessively.
blab n. (Countable) One who blabs; a babbler; a telltale; a gossip or gossiper.
BOABboab n. (Australia) Adansonia gregorii, a baobab species endemic to the Kimberley region and the Northern Territory…
BOAB n. a tropical tree with a swollen trunk, also BAOBAB.
CRABcrab n. A crustacean of the infraorder Brachyura, having five pairs of legs, the foremost of which are in the…
crab n. (Uncountable) The meat of this crustacean, served as food; crabmeat.
crab n. A bad-tempered person.
DOABdoab n. (India) A tongue or tract of land included between two rivers, especially that between the Ganga and the Yamuna.
DOAB n. (Urdu) a tongue or tract of land included between two rivers; as, the doab between the Ganges and the Jumna.
DRABdrab n. A fabric, usually of thick cotton or wool, having a dull brownish yellow, dull grey, or dun colour.
drab n. The colour of this fabric.
drab n. Often in the plural form drabs: apparel, especially trousers, made from this fabric.
FLABflab n. (Informal) Soft, loose flesh on a person’s body; fat.
FLAB n. excess body fat.
FRABfrab v. (UK, dialect, dated) To scold; to nag.
FRAB v. (dialect) to worry.
GRABgrab v. (Transitive) To grip suddenly; to seize; to clutch.
grab v. (Intransitive) To make a sudden grasping or clutching motion (at something).
grab v. To restrain someone; to arrest.
KRABkrab n. (Colloquial) Short for carabiner.
krab n. (Colloquial) imitation crab meat; crab stick; kamaboko.
KRAB n. (short for) a karabiner, a steel link used in mountaineering.
SCABscab n. An incrustation over a sore, wound, vesicle, or pustule, formed during healing.
scab n. (Colloquial or obsolete) The scabies.
scab n. The mange, especially when it appears on sheep.
SLABslab n. A large, flat piece of solid material; a solid object that is large and flat.
slab n. A paving stone; a flagstone.
slab n. (Australia) A carton containing 24 cans (chiefly of beer).
SNABSNAB n. (Scots) a cobbler; a shoemaker's apprentice.
STABstab n. An act of stabbing or thrusting with an object.
stab n. A wound made by stabbing.
stab n. Pain inflicted on a person’s feelings.
SWABswab n. (Medicine) A small piece of soft, absorbent material, such as gauze, used to clean wounds, apply medicine…
swab n. A sample taken with a swab (piece of absorbent material).
swab n. A piece of material used for cleaning or sampling other items like musical instruments or guns.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 58 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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