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There are 10 three-letter words ending with AH

AAHaah interj. Indication of amazement or surprise or enthusiasm.
aah interj. Indication of joyful pleasure.
aah interj. Indication of sympathy.
BAHbah interj. (Sometimes humorous) Expressing contempt, disgust, or bad temper.
bah n. Alternative spelling of baa (the cry of a sheep or goat).
bah part. (Singlish) Used to express emphasis.
DAHdah n. The spoken representation of a dash in radio and telegraph Morse code.
dah n. (Myanmar) A long knife or sword with a round cross-section grip, a long, gently curving blade with a…
daH sym. (Metrology) Symbol for decahenry, an SI unit of electrical inductance equal to 101 henrys.
FAHfah n. (Music) Alternative form of fa.
fah adv. (New England) Pronunciation spelling of far.
FAH n. a musical note, also FA.
HAHhah interj. Alternative form of ha.
hah interj. Alternative form of huh.
hah n. Alternative form of heh (Semitic letter).
LAHlah n. (Music) Alternative spelling of la.
lah part. Placed at the end of a phrase or sentence either for emphasis or reassurance.
lah part. Used sarcastically to state the obvious.
NAHnah interj. (Informal) No.
nah interj. (Manglish) here! (when giving something).
nah sym. (International standards) ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-5 language code for Nahuan languages.
PAHpah interj. Used to express distaste, disgust or outrage.
pah n. Dated form of pa (Maori fort).
PAH n. (Biochemistry) Initialism of phenylalanine hydroxylase.
RAHrah interj. An exclamation of encouragement.
rah n. (Britain, informal) A person (especially a student) with a posh accent who looks down on those who are "common".
rah adj. (Britain, informal) Posh.
YAHyah adv. (UK, India, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand) Yes.
yah interj. An expression uttered to encourage a horse to run faster.
yah n. (Britain, informal) An upper-class person, especially a Sloane Ranger.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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