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There are 13 words beginning with ZOMBI

ZOMBIzombi n. Alternative form of zombie.
ZOMBI n. in West Indian magic, a reanimated corpse, also ZOMBIE.
ZOMBIEzombie n. (Voodoo, fiction) A person, usually undead, animated by unnatural forces (such as magic), with no soul…
zombie n. (Figuratively) An apathetic or slow-witted person.
zombie n. (Figuratively) A human being in a state of extreme mental exhaustion.
ZOMBIELIKEzombielike adj. Similar to a zombie, having the appearance or character of a zombie.
ZOMBIELIKE adj. like a zombie.
ZOMBIESzombies n. Plural of zombie.
ZOMBIE n. in West Indian magic, a reanimated corpse, also ZOMBI.
ZOMBIFICATIONzombification n. The act or process of zombifying.
ZOMBIFICATION n. the act of zombifying.
ZOMBIFICATIONSzombifications n. Plural of zombification.
ZOMBIFICATION n. the act of zombifying.
ZOMBIFIEDzombified v. Simple past tense and past participle of zombify.
zombified adj. Having been made into a zombie, or induced to behave in a zombie-like fashion.
ZOMBIFY v. to make lethargic.
ZOMBIFIESzombifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of zombify.
ZOMBIFY v. to make lethargic.
ZOMBIFYzombify v. (Transitive, fiction) To turn into a zombie (a member of the living dead or undead).
zombify v. (Transitive, computing) To take control of (a computer) in order to use it covertly and illicitly.
zombify v. (Transitive, idiomatic) To deprive of authenticity or vitality; to render someone brainless or unthinking.
ZOMBIFYINGzombifying v. Present participle of zombify.
ZOMBIFY v. to make lethargic.
ZOMBIISMzombiism n. The condition of being a zombie.
ZOMBIISM n. belief in zombies.
ZOMBIISMSZOMBIISM n. belief in zombies.
ZOMBISzombis n. Plural of zombi.
ZOMBI n. in West Indian magic, a reanimated corpse, also ZOMBIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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