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There are 11 words beginning with ZEBRA

ZEBRAzebra n. Any of three species of subgenus Hippotigris: E. grevyi, E. quagga, or E. zebra, all with black and…
zebra n. (Sports, slang) A referee.
zebra n. (Medicine, slang) An unlikely diagnosis, especially for symptoms probably caused by a common ailment…
ZEBRAFISHzebrafish n. A small striped fish, Danio rerio, originally from India but now common as an aquarium fish and as a…
zebrafish n. A member of certain species of Percina (logperch).
zebrafish n. Certain venomous lionfish, of genus Pterois.
ZEBRAFISHESzebrafishes n. Plural of zebrafish.
zebra␣fishes n. Plural of zebra fish, an alternative spelling of zebrafish.
ZEBRAFISH n. a striped tropical fish.
ZEBRAICzebraic adj. (Mineralogy) Having a pattern of broken stripes.
ZEBRAIC adj. like a zebra.
ZEBRANOZEBRANO n. a tree having striped wood.
ZEBRANOSZEBRANO n. a tree having striped wood.
ZEBRASzebras n. Plural of zebra.
ZEBRA n. an African mammal related to the horse.
ZEBRASSzebrass n. A zeedonk.
ZEBRASS n. the offspring of a zebra and an ass.
ZEBRASSESzebrasses n. Plural of zebrass.
ZEBRASS n. the offspring of a zebra and an ass.
ZEBRAWOODzebrawood n. Any wood with a figure (grain pattern) like the striping of a zebra, most often wood of the genus Microberlinia.
ZEBRAWOOD n. a kind of cabinet wood having beautiful black, brown, and whitish stripes, the timber of a tropical American tree.
ZEBRAWOODSzebrawoods n. Plural of zebrawood.
ZEBRAWOOD n. a kind of cabinet wood having beautiful black, brown, and whitish stripes, the timber of a tropical American tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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