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There are 19 words beginning with ZOON

ZOONzoon n. (Biology) An animal which is the sole product of a single egg.
zoon n. (Biology) Any one of the perfectly developed individuals of a compound animal.
zoön n. (Zoology) Alternative spelling of zoon.
ZOONALzoonal adj. Of or pertaining to a zoon.
ZOONAL adj. like a zoon, an animal which is the sole product of a single egg, as opposed to zooid.
ZOONEDZOON v. to zoom.
ZOONICzoonic adj. Of or pertaining to animals; obtained from animal substances.
ZOONIC adj. relating to animals.
ZOONINGZOON v. to zoom.
ZOONITEzoonite n. (Zoology, archaic) One of the segments of the body of an articulated animal, sometimes regarded as a…
zoönite n. (Zoology) Alternative spelling of zoonite.
ZOONITE n. one of the segments of the body of an articulate animal.
ZOONITESzoonites n. Plural of zoonite.
zoönites n. Plural of zoönite.
ZOONITE n. one of the segments of the body of an articulate animal.
ZOONITICzoonitic adj. Relating to a zoonite.
ZOONITIC adj. like a zoonite, one of the segments of the body of an articulate animal.
ZOONOMIAzoonomia n. Synonym of zoonomy.
ZOONOMIA n. animal physiology, also ZOONOMY.
ZOONOMIASZOONOMIA n. animal physiology, also ZOONOMY.
ZOONOMICzoonomic adj. Of or pertaining to zoonomy.
ZOONOMIC adj. relating to zoonomia, animal physiology.
ZOONOMIESZOONOMY n. animal physiology, also ZOONOMIA.
ZOONOMISTzoonomist n. One who studies zoonomy.
ZOONOMIST n. an animal physiologist.
ZOONOMISTSzoonomists n. Plural of zoonomist.
ZOONOMIST n. an animal physiologist.
ZOONOMYzoonomy n. (Zoology) The laws of animal life, or the science dealing with the phenomena of animal life and their…
zoönomy n. Alternative spelling of zoonomy.
ZOONOMY n. animal physiology, also ZOONOMIA.
ZOONOSESzoonoses n. Plural of zoonosis.
zoonoses n. Plural of zoonose.
zoönoses n. Plural of zoönosis.
ZOONOSISzoonosis n. (Biology, microbiology) An animal disease, such as rabies or anthrax, that can be transmitted to humans.
zoönosis n. Alternative form of zoonosis.
ZOONOSIS n. an animal disease which is infectious to humans.
ZOONOTICzoonotic adj. Relating to, or having a zoonosis.
zoonotic n. Synonym of zoonosis.
ZOONOTIC adj. of or like zoonosis, a disease of animals such as rabies that can be transmitted to humans.
ZOONSzoons n. Plural of zoon.
zoöns n. (Rare) plural of zoön.
ZOON v. to zoom.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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