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There are 7 five-letter words beginning with XE

XEBECxebec n. A small two-masted, and later three-masted, Mediterranean transport ship with an overhanging bow and stern.
XEBEC n. a small, three-masted Mediterranean vessel with both square and triangular sails, also ZEBEC, ZEBECK.
XENIAxenia n. Plural of xenium.
xenia n. (Classical studies) The concept of hospitality to strangers.
xenia n. (Botany) The effect that genes from pollen have on the endosperm.
XENICxenic adj. (Biology, of a culture) Containing an unidentified organism, especially a bacterium.
xenic adj. (LGBT) Of or pertaining to xenogenders.
xenic adj. Strange or foreign in some way.
XENONxenon n. The chemical element (symbol Xe) with an atomic number of 54. It is a colorless, odorless, unreactive…
XENON n. a heavy inert gas.
XERICxeric adj. (Of an environment or habitat) very dry, lacking humidity and water.
xeric adj. (Of an organism) Adapted to live in a very dry habitat.
XERIC adj. requiring only a small amount of moisture.
XEROXxerox n. (Dated in North America, Philippines, colloquial, informal) A photocopy.
xerox n. (Dated, North America, colloquial, informal) A photocopier.
xerox v. (Dated, North America, Philippines, colloquial, informal) To make a paper copy or copies by means of a photocopier.
XERUSXerus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Sciuridae – African ground squirrel.
XERUS n. an African ground squirrel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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