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There are 19 seven-letter words beginning with WIND

WINDACSwindacs n. Plural of windac.
WINDAC n. a windlass, also WINDAS.
WINDAGEwindage n. (Automotive) Drag on the crankshaft caused by oil splashing out of the sump when rotating at high speeds.
windage n. (Ballistics) The difference in diameter between the bore of a firearm and the shot.
windage n. (Ballistics) Horizontal adjustment of the sight of a firearm or bow.
WINDBAGwindbag n. (Archaic) Bellows for an organ.
windbag n. (Mildly derogatory) Someone who talks excessively.
windbag v. To talk pompously or excessively.
WINDERSwinders n. Plural of winder.
Winders prop.n. Plural of Winder.
WINDER n. (slang) a blow that takes one's breath away.
WINDGUNWINDGUN n. an air gun.
WINDIERwindier adj. Comparative form of windy: more windy.
WINDY adj. related to wind.
WINDIGOwindigo n. Alternative spelling of wendigo.
WINDIGO n. (Native American) a mythical monster among some North American Indian tribes, that eats human flesh, also WENDIGO.
WINDILYwindily adv. In a manner of or like the wind.
windily adv. In a twisting or winding fashion.
WINDY adv. related to wind.
WINDINGwinding v. Present participle of wind.
winding n. Something wound around something else.
winding n. The manner in which something is wound.
WINDLEDwindled v. Simple past tense and past participle of windle.
WINDLE v. to wind yarn, also WINNLE.
WINDLESwindles n. Plural of windle.
windles n. A winch, a windlass.
Windles prop.n. Plural of Windle.
WINDOCKWINDOCK n. (Scots) a window, also WINDORE, WINNOCK.
WINDOREwindore n. Obsolete form of window.
WINDORE n. (obsolete) a window, also WINDOCK, WINNOCK.
WINDOWSwindows n. Plural of window.
windows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of window.
Windows prop.n. (Operating systems, trademark) Microsoft Windows, an operating system with a WIMP graphical user interface…
WINDOWYwindowy adj. (Rare, obsolete) Having little crossings or openings like the sashes of a window.
windowy adj. Having many windows.
WINDOWY adj. like a window.
WINDROWwindrow n. A row of cut grain or hay allowed to dry in a field.
windrow n. A line of leaves etc heaped up by the wind.
windrow n. A similar streak of seaweed etc on the surface of the sea formed by Langmuir circulation.
WINDSESWINDS n. a small ventilating shaft between two levels of a mine, also WINZE.
WINDUPSwindups n. Plural of windup.
wind-ups n. Plural of wind-up.
wind␣ups n. Plural of wind up.
WINDWAYwindway n. The portion of a wind instrument through which the air is blown.
windway n. (Mining, historical) A wind road; a ventilation route in a mine.
WINDWAY n. a passage for air.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 47 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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