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There are 9 four-letter words beginning with WHI

WHIDwhid n. A quick motion; a rapid, quiet movement, usually by small game.
whid v. To move nimbly and with little noise, usually of small game.
whid n. (Obsolete, Scotland) A lie; a falsehood.
WHIGwhig n. (UK, dialect, obsolete) Acidulated whey, sometimes mixed with buttermilk and sweet herbs, used as a cooling beverage.
whig n. Buttermilk.
whig v. (Transitive) Urge forward; drive briskly.
WHIMwhim n. A fanciful impulse, or sudden change of idea.
whim n. (Mining) A large capstan or vertical drum turned by horse power or steam power, for raising ore or water…
whim v. (Rare, intransitive) To be seized with a whim; to be capricious.
WHINwhin n. Gorse; furze (Ulex spp.).
whin n. The plant woad-waxen (Genista tinctoria).
whin n. Whinstone.
WHIOwhio n. The blue duck (Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos) of New Zealand.
WHIO n. (Maori) a New Zealand mountain duck with blue plumage.
WHIPwhip n. A lash; a pliant, flexible instrument, such as a rod (commonly of cane or rattan) or a plaited or braided…
whip n. A blow administered with a whip.
whip n. (Hunting) A whipper-in.
WHIRwhir n. Alternative spelling of whirr.
whir v. Alternative spelling of whirr.
WHIR v. to spin with a humming noise, also WHIRR.
WHITwhit n. The smallest part or particle imaginable; an iota.
whit prep. Pronunciation spelling of with.
Whit n. The season of Whitsuntide.
WHIZwhiz v. To make a whirring or hissing sound, similar to that of an object speeding through the air.
whiz v. To rush or move swiftly with such a sound.
whiz v. To throw or spin rapidly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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