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There are 20 words beginning with VINDIC

VINDICATEvindicate v. (Transitive) To clear of an accusation, suspicion or criticism.
vindicate v. (Transitive) To justify by providing evidence.
vindicate v. (Transitive) To maintain or defend (a cause) against opposition.
VINDICABLEvindicable adj. Able to be vindicated; justifiable.
VINDICABLE adj. capable of being vindicated.
VINDICATEDvindicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of vindicate.
vindicated adj. Justified, avenged or cleared of blame.
VINDICATE v. to justify, to clear of criticism.
VINDICATESvindicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vindicate.
VINDICATE v. to justify, to clear of criticism.
VINDICATORvindicator n. A person who vindicates.
VINDICATOR n. one who vindicates.
VINDICTIVEvindictive adj. Having a tendency to seek revenge when wronged, vengeful.
vindictive adj. (Obsolete) punitive.
VINDICTIVE adj. disposed to seek revenge.
VINDICATINGvindicating v. Present participle of vindicate.
VINDICATE v. to justify, to clear of criticism.
VINDICATIONvindication n. The act of vindicating or the state of being vindicated.
vindication n. Evidence, facts, statements, or arguments that justify a claim or belief.
VINDICATION n. an act of vindicating.
VINDICATIVEvindicative adj. Vindicating, having a tendency to vindicate.
vindicative adj. Vindictive, excessively vengeful.
VINDICATIVE adj. tending to vindicate.
VINDICATORSvindicators n. Plural of vindicator.
VINDICATOR n. one who vindicates.
VINDICATORYvindicatory adj. Promoting or producing vindication.
vindicatory adj. Promoting or producing retribution or punishment.
VINDICATORY adj. serving or tending to vindicate.
VINDICATIONSvindications n. Plural of vindication.
VINDICATION n. an act of vindicating.
VINDICATRESSvindicatress n. A female vindicator; a woman who vindicates.
VINDICATRESS n. a female vindicator.
VINDICTIVELYvindictively adv. In a vindictive manner.
VINDICTIVE adv. disposed to seek revenge.
VINDICABILITYvindicability n. The quality of being vindicable.
VINDICABILITY n. the quality of being vindicable.
VINDICATORILYvindicatorily adv. (Rare) In a vindicatory manner; in vindication of someone or something.
VINDICATORY adv. serving or tending to vindicate.
VINDICATRESSESvindicatresses n. Plural of vindicatress.
VINDICATRESS n. a female vindicator.
VINDICTIVENESSvindictiveness n. The condition of being vindictive.
vindictiveness n. A malevolent desire for revenge.
VINDICTIVE n. disposed to seek revenge.
VINDICABILITIESVINDICABILITY n. the quality of being vindicable.
VINDICATIVENESSvindicativeness n. The quality of being vindicative.
VINDICATIVENESS n. the state of being vindicative.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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