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There are 10 words beginning with VERSIO

VERSIONversion n. A specific form or variation of something.
version n. A translation from one language to another.
version n. (Education, archaic) A school exercise, generally of composition in a foreign language.
VERSIONSversions n. Plural of version.
VERSION v. to create a new account or description from a particular point of view.
VERSIONALversional adj. Of or pertaining to versions.
VERSIONAL adj. relating to a version.
VERSIONEDversioned adj. (Computing) Subject to versioning; of which more than one version may be stored.
VERSION v. to create a new account or description from a particular point of view.
VERSIONERVERSIONER n. the producer of a version.
VERSIONERSVERSIONER n. the producer of a version.
VERSIONINGversioning n. (Computing) The use of versions as a means of distinguishing similar items.
VERSIONING n. the adaptation of classical literary texts for films.
VERSIONISTversionist n. One who makes or favours a version of a text; a translator.
VERSIONIST n. the producer of a version.
VERSIONINGSversionings n. Plural of versioning.
VERSIONING n. the adaptation of classical literary texts for films.
VERSIONISTSversionists n. Plural of versionist.
VERSIONIST n. the producer of a version.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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