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There are 11 words beginning with VARIAT

VARIATEvariate n. (Statistics) random variable.
variate n. A measurable quantity capable of taking on a number of values.
variate n. A variable, often the set of x values plotted on a graph.
VARIATEDvariated v. Simple past tense and past participle of variate.
VARIATE v. to change, vary.
VARIATESvariates n. Plural of variate.
VARIATE v. to change, vary.
VARIATINGvariating v. Present participle of variate.
VARIATE v. to change, vary.
VARIATIONvariation n. The act of varying; a partial change in the form, position, state, or qualities of a thing.
variation n. A related but distinct thing.
variation n. (Nautical) The angular difference at the vessel between the direction of true north and magnetic north.
VARIATIVEvariative adj. Synonym of variational.
VARIATIVE adj. relating to variation, also VARIATIONAL.
VARIATIONSvariations n. Plural of variation.
VARIATION n. a varying, change.
VARIATIONALvariational adj. Of, pertaining to, or caused by variation.
VARIATIONAL adj. relating to variation, also VARIATIVE.
VARIATIONISTvariationist n. (Linguistics) A person who studies variation in usage among speakers of the same language.
variationist adj. (Linguistics) Focused on synchronic or historical variation in the forms of language used.
VARIATIONIST n. a composer of variations; a person who attaches importance to variation.
VARIATIONALLYvariationally adv. In a variational manner.
variationally adv. With regard to variation.
VARIATIONAL adv. relating to variation, also VARIATIVE.
VARIATIONISTSvariationists n. Plural of variationist.
VARIATIONIST n. a composer of variations; a person who attaches importance to variation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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