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There are 7 words beginning with VOLTI

VOLTIvolti v. (Music) turn the page.
VOLTI n. (Italian) a direction to musicians to turn the page.
VOLTIGEURvoltigeur n. A tumbler; a leaper or vaulter.
voltigeur n. (Military) One of a picked company of skirmishers in each regiment of the French infantry during the Napoleonic Wars.
voltigeur n. (Canada) ranger.
VOLTIGEURSvoltigeurs n. Plural of voltigeur.
VOLTIGEUR n. (French) a lightly armed skirmisher.
VOLTINGVOLT v. to make a sudden leap.
VOLTINISMvoltinism n. (Biology) The number of broods or generations of an organism in one year.
VOLTINISM n. the number of broods typically produced per year by a population of a particular insect species.
VOLTINISMSvoltinisms n. Plural of voltinism.
VOLTINISM n. the number of broods typically produced per year by a population of a particular insect species.
VOLTISVOLTI n. (Italian) a direction to musicians to turn the page.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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