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There are 13 words beginning with VALET

VALETvalet n. A man’s personal male attendant, responsible for his clothes and appearance.
valet n. A hotel employee performing such duties for guests.
valet n. (Professional wrestling) A female performer in professional wrestling, acting as either a manager or…
VALETAvaleta n. Alternative form of veleta (“type of dance”).
VALETA n. (Spanish) a kind of dance in waltz time, also VELETA.
VALETEVALETE n. (Latin) a farewell, as address to more than one person.
VALETSvalets n. Plural of valet.
VALET v. to act as a personal servant to.
VALETASvaletas n. Plural of valeta.
VALETA n. (Spanish) a kind of dance in waltz time, also VELETA.
VALETEDvaleted v. Simple past tense and past participle of valet.
VALET v. to act as a personal servant to.
VALETESVALETE n. (Latin) a farewell, as address to more than one person.
VALETINGvaleting v. Present participle of valet.
VALETING n. the act of being a valet.
VALETINGSVALETING n. the act of being a valet.
VALETUDINARYvaletudinary adj. (Obsolete) Sickly, infirm, valetudinarian.
valetudinary n. (Dated) A sickly, infirm person.
VALETUDINARY n. a valetudinarian.
VALETUDINARIANvaletudinarian adj. Sickly, infirm, of ailing health.
valetudinarian adj. Being overly worried about one’s health.
valetudinarian n. A person in poor health or sickly, especially one who is constantly obsessed with their state of health.
VALETUDINARIESvaletudinaries n. Plural of valetudinary.
VALETUDINARY n. a valetudinarian.
VALETUDINARIANSvaletudinarians n. Plural of valetudinarian.
VALETUDINARIAN n. a person of weak or sickly constitution.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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