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There are 7 nine-letter words beginning with VICAR

VICARAGESvicarages n. Plural of vicarage.
VICARAGE n. the habitation of a vicar.
VICARATESvicarates n. Plural of vicarate.
VICARATE n. the office or authority of a vicar, also VICARIATE.
VICARIANTvicariant adj. Of, relating to, or as a result of vicariance.
vicariant n. Any of a set of species, in separate geographical locations, that have arisen through vicariance.
VICARIANT n. a species, variety, etc., of plant or animal forming the counterpart in one area or on one soil to a closely related form native to another area.
VICARIATEvicariate n. The office or authority of a vicar.
vicariate adj. Having delegated power, as a vicar; vicarious.
VICARIATE n. the office or authority of a vicar, also VICARATE.
VICARIOUSvicarious adj. Delegated.
vicarious adj. Experienced or gained by taking in another person’s experience, rather than through first-hand experience…
vicarious adj. On behalf of others.
VICARLIERVICARLY adj. like a vicar.
VICARSHIPvicarship n. The office or dignity of a vicar.
VICARSHIP n. the office or dignity of a vicar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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