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There are 9 ten-letter words beginning with VAPOR

VAPORETTOSvaporettos n. Plural of vaporetto.
VAPORETTO n. (Italian) a motorboat serving as a canal bus in Venice.
VAPORIFORMvaporiform adj. (Archaic) Existing in a vaporous state.
VAPORIFORM adj. existing in a vaporous form or state.
VAPORISERSvaporisers n. Plural of vaporiser.
VAPORISER n. something that vaporises, also VAPORIZER.
VAPORISINGvaporising v. Present participle of vaporise.
VAPORISE v. to turn into vapor, also VAPORIZE.
VAPORIZERSvaporizers n. Plural of vaporizer.
VAPORIZER n. something that vaporises, also VAPORISER.
VAPORIZINGvaporizing v. Present participle of vaporize.
VAPORIZE v. to turn into vapor, also VAPORISE.
VAPOROSITYvaporosity n. The quality of being vaporous.
vaporosity n. (Countable) Anything lacking substance.
VAPOROSITY n. the state of being vaporous.
VAPOROUSLYvaporously adv. In a vaporous manner.
VAPOROUS adv. like vapour, also VAPOUROUS.
VAPORWARESVAPORWARE n. a computer-related product that has been widely advertised but has not and may never become available, also VAPOURWARE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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