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There are 15 words beginning with VIVE

VIVEvive adj. (Obsolete) lively, animated; forcible.
VIVE adj. (Scots) lively, forcible.
VIVERVIVER n. (dialect) a fishpond.
VIVESvives n. (Obsolete) A disease of animals, especially horses, based in the glands under the ear, where a tumour…
VIVES n. a disease of horses.
VIVELYvively adv. (Obsolete) In a lively manner.
VIVELY adv. lively.
VIVERSvivers n. (Obsolete, UK, Scotland, dialect) provisions; victuals.
VIVERS n. (Scots) food; eatables, also VIVRES.
VIVENCYvivency n. (Obsolete) Manner of supporting or continuing life or vegetation.
VIVENCY n. vitality.
VIVERIDviverid n. Misspelling of viverrid.
VIVERRAViverra prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Viverridae – civets commonly found in Southeast Asia.
VIVERRA n. (Latin) a member of the ferret or civet family, also VIVERRID, VIVERRINE.
VIVERIDSSorry, definition not available.
VIVERRASVIVERRA n. (Latin) a member of the ferret or civet family, also VIVERRID, VIVERRINE.
VIVERRIDviverrid n. (Zoology) Any member of the family Viverridae.
VIVERRID n. (Latin) a member of the ferret or civet family, also VIVERRA, VIVERRINE.
VIVERRIDSviverrids n. Plural of viverrid.
VIVERRID n. (Latin) a member of the ferret or civet family, also VIVERRA, VIVERRINE.
VIVERRINEviverrine adj. Of or pertaining to the mammals of the subfamily Viverrinae.
viverrine n. Any mammal of the subfamily Viverrinae.
VIVERRINE n. a member of the ferret or civet family, also VIVERRA, VIVERRID.
VIVERRINESviverrines n. Plural of viverrine.
VIVERRINE n. a member of the ferret or civet family, also VIVERRA, VIVERRID.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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