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There are 18 words beginning with VIRA

VIRALviral adj. (Virology) Of or relating to a biological virus.
viral adj. (Virology) Caused by a virus.
viral adj. (Computing) Of the nature of an informatic virus; able to spread copies of itself to other computers.
VIRAGOvirago n. A woman given to undue belligerence or ill manner at the slightest provocation.
virago n. A woman who is scolding, domineering, or highly opinionated.
virago n. A woman who is rough, loud, and aggressive.
VIRALSvirals n. Plural of viral.
VIRAL n. a sales promotion carried out by viral marketing.
VIRAGOSviragos n. Plural of virago.
VIRAGO n. (Latin) a noisy, domineering woman.
VIRALLYvirally adv. In a viral fashion; often specifically in the context of viral marketing.
virally adv. (Medicine) Due to, or by means of, a virus or viruses.
VIRAL adv. relating to or caused by a virus.
VIRANDAviranda n. Dated form of veranda.
VIRANDA n. (Hindi) a roofed gallery, terrace, or open portico along the front or side of a building, also VERANDA, VERANDAH, VIRANDO.
VIRANDOVIRANDO n. (Hindi) a roofed gallery, terrace, or open portico along the front or side of a building, also VERANDA, VERANDAH, VIRANDA.
VIRAEMIAviraemia n. (Pathology) The condition or disease of having a virus in the bloodstream.
VIRAEMIA n. (Latin) the presence of viral particles in the blood, also VIREMIA.
VIRAEMICviraemic adj. Pertaining to viraemia; having a virus or viruses present in the bloodstream.
viraemic n. Such a person.
VIRAEMIC adj. pertaining to viraemia, also VIREMIC.
VIRAGOESviragoes n. Plural of virago.
VIRAGO n. (Latin) a noisy, domineering woman.
VIRALITYvirality n. (Advertising, marketing) The state or condition of being viral; tendency to spread by word of mouth.
VIRALITY n. the state of being viral.
VIRANDASvirandas n. Plural of viranda.
VIRANDA n. (Hindi) a roofed gallery, terrace, or open portico along the front or side of a building, also VERANDA, VERANDAH, VIRANDO.
VIRANDOSvirandos n. Plural of virando.
VIRANDO n. (Hindi) a roofed gallery, terrace, or open portico along the front or side of a building, also VERANDA, VERANDAH, VIRANDA.
VIRAEMIASviraemias n. Plural of viraemia.
VIRAEMIA n. (Latin) the presence of viral particles in the blood, also VIREMIA.
VIRAGOISHviragoish adj. Like a virago.
VIRAGOISH adj. like a virago, a loud overbearing woman, a termagant.
VIRAGINIANviraginian adj. Of or pertaining to a virago; having the qualities of a virago.
VIRAGINIAN adj. of or pertaining to a virago, also VIRAGINOUS.
VIRAGINOUSviraginous adj. Resembling an overbearing woman; shrew-like.
viraginous adj. Resembling an Amazon; of a woman with great bravery, strength, or stature.
VIRAGINOUS adj. of or pertaining to a virago, also VIRAGINIAN.
VIRALITIESviralities n. Plural of virality.
VIRALITY n. the state of being viral.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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