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There are 11 words beginning with VERV

VERVEverve n. Enthusiasm, rapture, spirit, or vigour, especially of imagination such as that which animates an artist…
verve n. (Obsolete) A particular skill in writing.
VERVE n. the state of being lively, vivacity.
VERVELvervel n. Alternative form of varvel.
VERVEL n. a ring for a hawk's jess, also VARVEL.
VERVENVERVEN n. (Spenser) vervain, the flower.
VERVESVERVE n. the state of being lively, vivacity.
VERVETvervet n. A small African monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops or Chlorocebus pygerythrus, having a long tail, a black…
VERVET n. (French) a small, long-tailed African monkey.
VERVAINvervain n. Any herbaceous plant in the genus Verbena especially if used for medicinal purposes, primarily Verbena…
VERVAIN n. a wild verbena, believed to have magical powers, also VERVEN.
VERVELSvervels n. Plural of vervel.
VERVEL n. a ring for a hawk's jess, also VARVEL.
VERVENSVERVEN n. (Spenser) vervain, the flower.
VERVETSvervets n. Plural of vervet.
VERVET n. (French) a small, long-tailed African monkey.
VERVAINSvervains n. Plural of vervain.
VERVAIN n. a wild verbena, believed to have magical powers, also VERVEN.
VERVELLEDvervelled adj. Alternative form of varvelled.
VERVELLED adj. having vervels, rings for a hawk's jess, also VARVELLED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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