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There are 9 words beginning with VENU

VENUEvenue n. A theater, auditorium, arena, or other area designated for sporting or entertainment events.
venue n. (Law) A neighborhood or near place; the place or county in which anything is alleged to have happened;…
venue n. (Obsolete) A bout; a hit; a turn.
VENUSvenus n. Any of the bivalve molluscs in the genus Venus or family Veneridae.
Venus prop.n. (Astronomy) The second planet in our solar system, named for the goddess; represented in astronomy and…
Venus prop.n. (Roman mythology) The goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and sexuality; the Roman counterpart of Aphrodite.
VENUESvenues n. Plural of venue.
VENUE n. the chosen location for an event, also VENEWE, VENEY.
VENULEvenule n. (Anatomy) A small vein, especially one that connects capillaries to a larger vein.
VENULE n. a small vein, also VEINLET, VEINULE, VEINULET.
VENULARvenular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to venules.
VENULAR adj. like a venule, a small vein.
VENULESvenules n. Plural of venule.
VENULE n. a small vein, also VEINLET, VEINULE, VEINULET.
VENUSESvenuses n. Plural of venus.
Venuses n. Plural of Venus.
VENUS n. (Latin) one of a genus of lamellibranch molluscs.
VENULOSEvenulose adj. Full of venules, or small veins.
VENULOSE adj. full of venules, or small veins, also VENULOUS.
VENULOUSvenulous adj. Of or relating to venules.
VENULOUS adj. full of venules, or small veins, also VENULOSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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