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There are 8 eight-letter words beginning with VERT

VERTEBRAvertebra n. (Anatomy) Any of the bony or cartilaginous segments which make up the backbone, consisting in some lower…
VERTEBRA n. (Latin) a component of the vertebral column, or backbone, found in vertebrates.
VERTEXESvertexes n. Plural of vertex.
VERTEX n. (Latin) the highest point of something.
VERTICALvertical adj. Standing, pointing, or moving straight up or down; parallel to the local direction of gravity; along…
vertical adj. In a two-dimensional Cartesian co-ordinate system, describing the axis y oriented normal (perpendicular…
vertical adj. In a three-dimensional co-ordinate system, describing the axis z oriented normal (perpendicular, orthogonal)…
VERTICESvertices n. Plural of vertex.
VERTEX n. (Latin) the highest point of something.
VERTICILverticil n. (Chiefly botany) A whorl, a group of similar parts such as leaves radiating from a shared axis.
VERTICIL n. (Latin) a circular arrangement of similar parts, a whorl.
VERTIGOSvertigos n. Plural of vertigo.
VERTIGO n. (Latin) dizziness.
VERTISOLvertisol n. (Soil science) A clay soil, containing a high content of montmorillonite, that forms deep cracks in drier conditions.
VERTISOL n. a type of clayey soil.
VERTUOUSvertuous adj. Obsolete spelling of virtuous.
VERTUOUS adj. (Spenser) possessing virtue or power, also VIRTUOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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