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There are 16 seven-letter words beginning with VES

VESICAEvesicae n. Plural of vesica.
VESICA n. (Latin) a bladder, esp. a urinary bladder.
VESICALvesical adj. (Anatomy) Pertaining to the urinary bladder.
VESICAL adj. pertaining to the bladder.
VESICASVESICA n. (Latin) a bladder, esp. a urinary bladder.
VESICLEvesicle n. (Cytology) A membrane-bound compartment found in a cell.
vesicle n. A small bladder-like cell or cavity, as…
vesicle n. (Anatomy) A pocket of embryonic tissue that is the beginning of an organ.
VESPERSvespers n. (Christianity) The sixth of the seven canonical hours, an evening prayer service.
vespers n. Plural of vesper.
Vespers prop.n. (Christianity) A Christian service held in the late afternoon or early evening; evensong.
VESPIDSvespids n. Plural of vespid.
VESPID n. (Latin) a social wasp.
VESPINEvespine adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of wasps.
VESPINE adj. of wasps; wasplike, also VESPOID.
VESPOIDvespoid adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the superfamily Vespoidea of wasps and ants.
VESPOID adj. of wasps; wasplike, also VESPINE.
VESSAILvessail n. Obsolete form of vessel.
VESSAIL n. (Scott) a vessel, also VASSAIL.
VESSELSvessels n. Plural of vessel.
vessels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vessel.
VESSEL n. a craft for travelling on water.
VESTALSvestals n. Plural of vestal.
VESTAL n. (Latin) one of the Roman patrician virgins consecrated to Vesta, goddess of the hearth.
VESTEESvestees n. Plural of vestee.
VESTEE n. a garment worn under a woman's jacket or blouse.
VESTIGEvestige n. A mark left on the earth by a foot.
vestige n. (By extension) A faint mark or visible sign left by something which is lost, or has perished, or is no longer present.
vestige n. (Biology) A vestigial organ; a non-functional organ or body part that was once functional in an evolutionary ancestor.
VESTINGvesting n. (Law) The entitlement of an employee to receive the full benefit of a pension at normal retirement age…
vesting n. (Law) The entitlement of an employee to exercise a stock option after a predetermined period of time.
vesting n. Cloth for making vests.
VESTRALvestral adj. Relating to a vestry.
VESTRAL adj. relating to a vestry.
VESTUREvesture n. A covering of, or like, clothing.
vesture v. (Archaic) To clothe.
VESTURE n. clothing, esp. ecclesiastical; anything that covers or cloaks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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