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There are 13 twelve-letter words beginning with VOC

VOCABULARIANvocabularian n. One who cultivates a large vocabulary.
VOCABULARIAN n. a person much, or too much, concerned with words.
VOCABULARIEDvocabularied adj. (In combination) Having a vocabulary (of a specified kind or size).
VOCABULARIED adj. having a vocabulary.
VOCABULARIESvocabularies n. Plural of vocabulary.
VOCABULARY n. a list or collection of words or of words and phrases usually alphabetically arranged and explained or defined.
VOCALISATIONvocalisation n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of vocalization.
VOCALISATION n. the act of making vocal, also VOCALIZATION.
VOCALIZATIONvocalization n. The act of vocalizing or something vocalized; a vocal utterance.
vocalization n. Any specific mode of utterance; pronunciation.
vocalization n. The use of speech to express an idea.
VOCATIONALLYvocationally adv. In terms of vocation.
VOCATIONAL adv. relating to a vocation.
VOCICULTURALVOCICULTURAL adj. of or pertaining to voice training.
VOCIFERATINGvociferating v. Present participle of vociferate.
VOCIFERATE v. to cry out with a loud voice; to bawl.
VOCIFERATIONvociferation n. The act of exclaiming; violent outcry; vehement utterance of the voice.
VOCIFERATION n. the act of vociferating.
VOCIFERATORSvociferators n. Plural of vociferator.
VOCIFERATOR n. one who vociferates.
VOCIFEROSITYvociferosity n. Vociferousness.
VOCIFEROSITY n. the state of being vociferous.
VOCIFEROUSLYvociferously adv. In a vociferous manner.
VOCIFEROUS adv. marked by or given to vehement insistent outcry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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