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There are 19 ten-letter words beginning with VEL

VELARISINGvelarising v. Present participle of velarise.
VELARISE v. to pronounce with the back of the tongue, also VELARIZE.
VELARIZINGvelarizing v. Present participle of velarize.
VELARIZE v. to pronounce with the back of the tongue, also VELARISE.
VELDSCHOENVELDSCHOEN n. (South African) a shoe made of rawhide, also VELDSKOEN, VELSKOEN.
VELDSKOENSveldskoens n. Plural of veldskoen.
VELDSKOEN n. (South African) a shoe made of rawhide, also VELDSCHOEN, VELSKOEN.
VELITATIONvelitation n. (Archaic) A fight or skirmish.
VELITATION n. a minor dispute; a skirmish.
VELLEITIESvelleities n. Plural of velleity.
VELLEITY n. a very low degree of desire.
VELLICATEDvellicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of vellicate.
VELLICATE v. to twitch, pluck.
VELLICATESvellicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vellicate.
VELLICATE v. to twitch, pluck.
VELOCIPEDEvelocipede n. (Historical) An early two-wheeled conveyance upon which one rode astride a wooden frame propelled by…
velocipede n. (Archaic) Any three- or four-wheeled machine driven by foot or hand levers to the rear or front axle.
velocipede n. (Archaic) A late-1860s bicycle driven by cranks on the front axle.
VELOCITIESvelocities n. Plural of velocity.
VELOCITY n. rapidity of motion.
VELODROMESvelodromes n. Plural of velodrome.
VELODROME n. an area for cycling races.
VELOUTINESveloutines n. Plural of veloutine.
VELOUTINE n. velvety corded wool.
VELUTINOUSvelutinous adj. Having a layer of soft short hairs, like velvet.
VELUTINOUS adj. velvety, covered with dense, soft, silky hairs.
VELVETEENSvelveteens n. Plural of velveteen.
VELVETEEN n. a kind of cloth, usually cotton, made in imitation of velvet.
VELVETIESTvelvetiest adj. Superlative form of velvety: most velvety.
VELVETY adj. having the plush of velvet.
VELVETINGSvelvetings n. Plural of velveting.
VELVETING n. velvet material.
VELVETLEAFvelvetleaf n. Any of several plants with a velvety leaf as a most notable feature.
VELVETLIKEvelvetlike adj. Resembling velvet or some aspect of it.
VELVETLIKE adj. like velvet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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