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There are 15 words beginning with URTIC

URTICAUrtica prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Urticaceae – the nettles.
URTICA n. (Latin) any plant of the nettle genus.
URTICASURTICA n. (Latin) any plant of the nettle genus.
URTICANTurticant adj. Causing itching or stinging.
urticant n. Such a substance.
URTICANT n. a substance that causes stinging or itching.
URTICATEurticate v. To have or produce a stinging sensation, as of nettles or urticating hair.
urticate adj. Marked by the presence of wheals.
URTICATE v. to cause to itch or sting.
URTICANTSurticants n. Plural of urticant.
URTICANT n. a substance that causes stinging or itching.
URTICARIAurticaria n. (Pathology) Itchy, swollen, red areas of the skin which can appear quickly in response to an allergen…
URTICARIA n. nettle rash, hives.
URTICATEDurticated v. Simple past tense and past participle of urticate.
URTICATE v. to cause to itch or sting.
URTICATESurticates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of urticate.
URTICATE v. to cause to itch or sting.
URTICARIALurticarial adj. Relating to urticaria.
URTICARIAL adj. relating to urticaria, nettle rash.
URTICARIASurticarias n. Plural of urticaria.
URTICARIA n. nettle rash, hives.
URTICATINGurticating v. Present participle of urticate.
URTICATE v. to cause to itch or sting.
URTICATIONurtication n. (Pathology) The development of urticaria (hives).
urtication n. The sensation of being stung by nettles.
urtication n. (Medicine) Beating the skin with nettles (formerly used to treat paralysis).
URTICACEOUSurticaceous adj. Of or pertaining to a natural order of plants, Urticaceae, of which the nettle is the type.
URTICACEOUS adj. pertaining to or like nettles.
URTICARIOUSurticarious adj. Relating to, or of the nature of, urticaria.
URTICARIOUS adj. related to urticaria.
URTICATIONSurtications n. Plural of urtication.
URTICATION n. the act of whipping or stinging with nettles, sometimes used in the treatment of paralysis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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