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There are 13 words beginning with UNITA

UNITALunital adj. (Mathematics) (of an algebra) containing a multiplicative identity element (or unit), i.e. an element…
UNITAL adj. relating to a unit.
UNITAGEunitage n. The determination of the amount of something to be regarded as a unit.
unitage n. The amount thus determined.
UNITAGE n. amount in units.
UNITARDunitard n. A skin-tight garment covering the torso and the legs, sometimes the arms and feet.
UNITARD n. a leotard that also covers the legs.
UNITARYunitary adj. Having the quality of oneness.
unitary adj. (Government, of a system of government or administration) That concentrates power in a single body…
unitary adj. (Mathematics, of an algebra) That contains an identity element.
UNITAGESunitages n. Plural of unitage.
UNITAGE n. amount in units.
UNITARDSunitards n. Plural of unitard.
UNITARD n. a leotard that also covers the legs.
UNITARIANunitarian adj. Espousing a unitary view of something.
unitarian n. One who denies the doctrine of the Trinity, believing that God exists only in one person; a unipersonalist.
unitarian n. (Islam) A Muwahhid.
UNITARILYunitarily adv. In a unitary way.
UNITARY adv. of the nature of a unit; having the separate existence or individual character of a unit.
UNITARITYunitarity n. The quality or state of being unitary.
UNITARITY n. the quality of being unitary, forming a single or uniform entity.
UNITARIANSunitarians n. Plural of unitarian.
Unitarians n. Plural of Unitarian.
UNITARIAN n. one who denies the doctrine of the Trinity, believing that God exists only in one person.
UNITARITIESunitarities n. Plural of unitarity.
UNITARITY n. the quality of being unitary, forming a single or uniform entity.
UNITARIANISMunitarianism n. The belief in a single God, not divided into any aspects, particularly when presented as a contrast…
Unitarianism n. The religious belief that God is a single Person.
Unitarianism prop.n. (Beginning in 1961) The religion known as Unitarian Universalism.
UNITARIANISMSunitarianisms n. Plural of unitarianism.
UNITARIANISM n. belief in unity or union.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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