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There are 16 words beginning with ULCER

ULCERulcer n. (Pathology) An open sore of the skin, eyes or mucous membrane, often caused by an initial abrasion and…
ulcer n. (Pathology) Peptic ulcer.
ulcer n. (Figurative) Anything that festers and corrupts like an open sore; a vice in character.
ULCERATEulcerate adj. (Palynology, of a pollen grain) Having an ulcus, a rounded pore-like aperture, at one or both poles.
ulcerate v. (Medicine, transitive) To cause an ulcer to develop.
ulcerate v. (Medicine, intransitive) To become ulcerous.
ULCERATEDulcerated adj. Affected with ulcers.
ULCERATE v. to affect with a type of lesion, also ULCER.
ULCERATESulcerates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ulcerate.
ULCERATE v. to affect with a type of lesion, also ULCER.
ULCERATINGulcerating v. Present participle of ulcerate.
ULCERATE v. to affect with a type of lesion, also ULCER.
ULCERATIONulceration n. The development of an ulcer.
ulceration n. An ulcerous condition.
ULCERATION n. the process of becoming ulcerated.
ULCERATIONSulcerations n. Plural of ulceration.
ULCERATION n. the process of becoming ulcerated.
ULCERATIVEulcerative adj. Composed of, or causing ulcers.
ULCERATIVE adj. related to ulcers.
ULCEREDulcered adj. Having an ulcer or ulcers.
ULCER v. to affect with a type of lesion, also ULCERATE.
ULCERINGulcering n. The formation of ulcers.
ULCER v. to affect with a type of lesion, also ULCERATE.
ULCEROGENICulcerogenic adj. That causes ulcers.
ULCEROGENIC adj. tending to produce or develop into ulcers or ulceration.
ULCEROUSulcerous adj. Of or relating to an ulcer.
ulcerous adj. Having an ulcer.
ULCEROUS adj. being affected with an ulcer.
ULCEROUSLYulcerously adv. In an ulcerous manner.
ULCEROUS adv. being affected with an ulcer.
ULCEROUSNESSulcerousness n. The quality of being ulcerous.
ULCEROUSNESS n. the state of being ulcerous.
ULCEROUSNESSESULCEROUSNESS n. the state of being ulcerous.
ULCERSulcers n. Plural of ulcer.
ULCER v. to affect with a type of lesion, also ULCERATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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