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There are 20 words beginning with UNAB

UNABASHEDunabashed adj. Not disconcerted or embarrassed.
unabashed adj. Of actions, emotions, facts, etc.: that are not concealed or disguised, or not eliciting shame.
UNABASHED adj. not abashed.
UNABASHEDLYunabashedly adv. In an unabashed manner; without embarrassment or hesitation.
UNABASHED adv. not abashed.
UNABATEDunabated adj. Continuing at full strength or intensity.
UNABATED adj. not made less in degree.
UNABATEDLYunabatedly adv. Without abating; continuingly, without cessation.
UNABATED adv. not made less in degree.
UNABATINGunabating adj. Not abating; ongoing, continuing.
UNABATING adj. not abating.
UNABBREVIATEDunabbreviated adj. Not abbreviated.
unabbreviated v. Simple past tense and past participle of unabbreviate.
UNABBREVIATED adj. not abbreviated.
UNABETTEDunabetted adj. Not abetted.
UNABETTED adj. not abetted.
UNABIDINGunabiding adj. Not abiding; impermanent.
UNABIDING adj. not abiding.
UNABJUREDunabjured adj. Not abjured.
UNABJURED adj. not abjured.
UNABLEunable adj. Not able; lacking a certain ability.
unable interj. (Aviation) Indicating that a requested course of action is not possible to carry out.
unable v. (Transitive, nonstandard) To render unable; to disable.
UNABOLISHEDunabolished adj. Not abolished.
UNABOLISHED adj. not abolished.
UNABORTEDunaborted adj. Not aborted, not having been aborted.
unaborted v. Simple past tense and past participle of unabort.
UNABORTED adj. not aborted.
UNABRADEDunabraded adj. Not abraded or eroded.
UNABRADED adj. not abraded.
UNABRIDGEDunabridged adj. (Of a book or document) Not abridged, shortened, expurgated or condensed; complete.
unabridged n. An unabridged publication, especially a reference work.
UNABRIDGED adj. not abridged.
UNABROGATEDunabrogated adj. Which has not been abrogated.
UNABROGATED adj. not abrogated.
UNABSOLVEDunabsolved adj. Not absolved.
UNABSOLVED adj. not absolved.
UNABSORBEDunabsorbed adj. Not having been absorbed.
UNABSORBED adj. not absorbed.
UNABSORBENTunabsorbent adj. Not absorbent.
UNABSORBENT adj. not absorbent.
UNABUSEDunabused adj. Not abused: especially, of a person, not having suffered physical abuse.
UNABUSED adj. not abused.
UNABUSIVEunabusive adj. Not abusive.
UNABUSIVE adj. not abusive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 92 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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