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There are 19 seven-letter words beginning with UNA

UNACTEDunacted adj. Not acted.
UNACTED adj. not acted.
UNADDEDunadded adj. (Of numbers) Not yet added together.
unadded v. Simple past tense and past participle of unadd.
UNADDED adj. not added.
UNADEPTunadept n. Someone who is not an adept.
unadept adj. Not adept; unproficient.
UNADEPT adj. not adept.
UNADULTunadult adj. Not adult.
UNADULT adj. not adult.
UNAGILEunagile adj. Not agile.
UNAGILE adj. not agile.
UNAGINGunaging adj. That does not age; timeless, immortal.
UNAGING adj. not aging, also UNAGEING.
UNAIDEDunaided adj. Without the help, aid or assistance of someone or something.
UNAIDED adj. without aid.
UNAIMEDunaimed adj. Not aimed.
UNAIMED adj. without aim.
UNAIREDunaired adj. Not aired.
UNAIRED adj. not aired.
UNAKINGUNAKING adj. (Shakespeare) unaching.
UNAKITEunakite n. (Mineralogy) An altered granite composed of pink orthoclase feldspar, green epidote, and generally colorless quartz.
UNAKITE n. an igneous rock.
UNALIKEunalike adj. Of an unlike kind; different.
UNALIKE adj. not alike.
UNALISTunalist n. (UK) An ecclesiastical who holds only one benefice.
UNALIST n. a person who believes in one supreme God, a monist.
UNALIVEunalive adj. Not alive; dead or inanimate.
unalive adj. Lacking vivacity and liveliness; dull or sterile.
unalive adj. Lacking energy and feeling; passionless; mechanical.
UNAPTLYunaptly adv. In a way that is unapt.
UNAPT adv. unfit or unqualified, also INAPT, INEPT.
UNARMEDunarmed adj. Defenceless and lacking weapons or armour.
unarmed adj. Not carrying arms.
unarmed adj. (Biology) Not having thorns or claws etc.
UNASKEDunasked adj. Not asked about.
UNASKED adj. not asked.
UNAWAKEunawake adj. Not awake.
UNAWAKE adj. not awake.
UNAWAREunaware adj. Not aware or informed; lacking knowledge.
unaware adj. Not noticing; paying no heed; thoughtless; inattentive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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