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There are 14 words beginning with TRANSVER

TRANSVERSEtransverse adj. Situated or lying across; side to side, relative to some defined "forward" direction; perpendicular…
transverse adj. (Anatomy) Made at right angles to the long axis of the body.
transverse adj. (Geometry) (of an intersection) Not tangent, so that a nondegenerate angle is formed between the two…
TRANSVERSALtransversal adj. Running or lying across; transverse.
transversal adj. Exhibiting or pertaining to transversality; connecting hetergeneous elements (fields, kinds of people, etc).
transversal n. A line which traverses or intersects any system of other lines transversely.
TRANSVERSEDtransversed v. Simple past tense and past participle of transverse.
TRANSVERSE v. to cross, traverse.
TRANSVERSEStransverses n. Plural of transverse.
TRANSVERSE v. to cross, traverse.
TRANSVERTERtransverter n. A device used in radio, consisting of an upconverter and a downconverter in a single unit.
TRANSVERTER n. a piece of equipment attached to a radio transceiver to enable it to transmit and receive on additional frequencies.
TRANSVERSALStransversals n. Plural of transversal.
TRANSVERSAL n. a line that intersects a system of lines.
TRANSVERSELYtransversely adv. In a transverse manner.
TRANSVERSE adv. crossways.
TRANSVERSINGtransversing v. Present participle of transverse.
TRANSVERSE v. to cross, traverse.
TRANSVERSIONtransversion n. (Genetics) A point mutation in which a purine is replaced with a pyrimidine, or vice versa.
transversion n. (Literature) The changing from prose into verse, or verse into prose.
TRANSVERSION n. the act of making transverse.
TRANSVERTERStransverters n. Plural of transverter.
TRANSVERTER n. a piece of equipment attached to a radio transceiver to enable it to transmit and receive on additional frequencies.
TRANSVERSALLYtransversally adv. In a transverse manner.
transversally adv. In regard to a transversal.
transversally adv. In a way that exhibits or pertains to transversality; connecting hetergeneous elements (fields, kinds of people, etc).
TRANSVERSIONStransversions n. Plural of transversion.
TRANSVERSION n. the act of making transverse.
TRANSVERSALITYtransversality n. (Mathematics) A property of two intersecting submanifolds, where at every intersection point, their…
transversality n. The quality of connecting or representing a range of heterogeneous elements (fields, kinds of people, etc).
TRANSVERSALITY n. the state of being transversal.
TRANSVERSENESStransverseness n. The quality of being transverse.
TRANSVERSENESS n. the state of being transverse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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