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There are 10 words beginning with TREMOL

TREMOLOtremolo n. (Music) A rapid repetition of the same note, or an alternation between two or more notes. It can also…
tremolo n. (Music) A variation in the volume of a note or a chord, evoking a tremor or quiver.
tremolo n. (Music) The device in an organ that produces a tremolo effect.
TREMOLOStremolos n. Plural of tremolo.
TREMOLO n. (Italian) a vibrating, quavering musical effect, also TREMOLANT.
TREMOLANTtremolant n. (Music) Alternative form of tremulant.
TREMOLANT n. (Italian) a vibrating, quavering musical effect, also TREMOLO.
TREMOLITEtremolite n. (Mineralogy) A pale grey/green amphibole mineral, a type of asbestos, that is a mixed calcium and magnesium…
TREMOLITE n. a white variety of amphibole, or hornblende, occurring in long, bladelike crystals, and coarsely fibrous masses.
TREMOLANDItremolandi n. Plural of tremolando.
TREMOLANDO n. (Italian) a vibrating, quavering musical effect.
TREMOLANDOtremolando n. (Music) A tremolo section of a piece.
tremolando adv. (Music) Played with a tremolo effect.
TREMOLANDO n. (Italian) a vibrating, quavering musical effect.
TREMOLANTStremolants n. Plural of tremolant.
TREMOLANT n. (Italian) a vibrating, quavering musical effect, also TREMOLO.
TREMOLITEStremolites n. Plural of tremolite.
TREMOLITE n. a white variety of amphibole, or hornblende, occurring in long, bladelike crystals, and coarsely fibrous masses.
TREMOLITICtremolitic adj. Relating to, or containing, tremolite.
TREMOLITIC adj. of or like tremolite, a white variety of amphibole.
TREMOLANDOStremolandos n. Plural of tremolando.
TREMOLANDO n. (Italian) a vibrating, quavering musical effect.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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