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There are 10 words beginning with TAMARI

TAMARItamari n. A type of soy sauce made without wheat, having a rich flavor.
TAMARI n. (Japanese) a concentrated sauce made of soya beans and salt.
TAMARINtamarin n. One of a family of squirrel-sized South American monkeys.
TAMARIN n. (French) a genus of small South American monkeys.
TAMARIStamaris n. Plural of tamari.
TAMARI n. (Japanese) a concentrated sauce made of soya beans and salt.
TAMARINDtamarind n. (Botany) A tropical tree, Tamarindus indica.
tamarind n. (Cooking) The fruit of this tree; the pulp is used as spice in Asian cooking and in Worcestershire sauce.
tamarind n. Other similar species…
TAMARINStamarins n. Plural of tamarin.
TAMARIN n. (French) a genus of small South American monkeys.
TAMARISKtamarisk n. Any of several shrubs, of the genus Tamarix, native to arid regions in Eurasia and Africa, often invasive…
TAMARISK n. a heathlike shrub or tree of warm regions.
TAMARILLOtamarillo n. A small tree or shrub (Solanum betaceum syn. Cyphomandra betacea) which bears edible fruits.
tamarillo n. A fruit of that tree.
TAMARILLO n. the tree tomato.
TAMARINDStamarinds n. Plural of tamarind.
TAMARIND n. (Arabic) a large tropical tree; its fruit.
TAMARISKStamarisks n. Plural of tamarisk.
TAMARISK n. a heathlike shrub or tree of warm regions.
TAMARILLOStamarillos n. Plural of tamarillo.
TAMARILLO n. the tree tomato.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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