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There are 12 fourteen-letter words beginning with TRANSP

TRANSPARENCIEStransparencies n. Plural of transparency.
TRANSPARENCY n. the state of being transparent, also TRANSPARENCE.
TRANSPARENTISEtransparentise v. Alternative spelling of transparentize.
TRANSPARENTISE v. to make transparent, also TRANSPARENTIZE.
TRANSPARENTIZEtransparentize v. (Transitive) To make transparent.
transparentize v. (Intransitive) To become transparent.
TRANSPARENTIZE v. to make transparent, also TRANSPARENTISE.
TRANSPICUOUSLYtranspicuously adv. In a transpicuous fashion.
TRANSPICUOUS adv. easily understood or seen through.
TRANSPIRATIONStranspirations n. Plural of transpiration.
TRANSPIRATION n. the act of transpiring.
TRANSPLACENTALtransplacental adj. (Anatomy, physiology) Through or across the placenta.
TRANSPLACENTAL adj. passing through or occurring by way of the placenta.
TRANSPLANTABLEtransplantable adj. Able to be transplanted.
TRANSPLANTABLE adj. capable of being transplanted.
TRANSPLANTINGStransplantings n. Plural of transplanting.
TRANSPLANTING n. the act of transplanting.
TRANSPORTANCESTRANSPORTANCE n. (Shakespeare) conveyance, transport.
TRANSPORTATIONtransportation n. The act of transporting, or the state of being transported; conveyance, often of people, goods etc.
transportation n. (Historical) Deportation to a penal colony.
transportation n. (US) A means of conveyance.
TRANSPORTINGLYtransportingly adv. So as to transport, to carry away emotionally.
TRANSPORTING adv. engrossing.
TRANSPOSITIONStranspositions n. Plural of transposition.
TRANSPOSITION n. an act, process, or instance of transposing or being transposed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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