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There are 8 words beginning with TRIAT

TRIATICtriatic n. (Nautical) A triatic stay.
TRIATIC n. a rope joining adjacent mastheads.
TRIATICStriatics n. Plural of triatic.
TRIATIC n. a rope joining adjacent mastheads.
TRIATHLONtriathlon n. An athletics event in which contestants compete in swimming, cycling and running in turn.
triathlon n. (Historical) A former Olympic athletics event in which contestants compete in long jump, shot put, and 100-yard dash.
triathlon n. Generally, a sports event in which contestant compete in a combination of three sports.
TRIATOMICtriatomic adj. (Chemistry, of a molecule etc.) Consisting of three atoms.
TRIATOMIC adj. having three atoms.
TRIATHLETEtriathlete n. (Athletics) An athlete who competes in the triathlon.
TRIATHLETE n. an athlete who competes in a triathlon.
TRIATHLONStriathlons n. Plural of triathlon.
TRIATHLON n. a sporting contest consisting of three events held without a break between each, usually swimming, cycling and running.
TRIATHLETEStriathletes n. Plural of triathlete.
TRIATHLETE n. an athlete who competes in a triathlon.
TRIATOMICALLYTRIATOMIC adv. having three atoms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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