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There are 10 words beginning with TRIAD

TRIADtriad n. A grouping of three.
triad n. A word of three syllables.
triad n. A branch of a Chinese underground criminal society, mostly based in Hong Kong.
TRIADELPHOUStriadelphous adj. (Botany) Having its stamens fused together at least partly by the filaments so that they form three…
TRIADELPHOUS adj. with three bundles of stamens.
TRIADICtriadic adj. Of or relating to a triad.
triadic adj. (Obsolete) Trivalent.
triadic adj. (Translation studies) Being or relating to interpreting that involves three parties, i.e. the two clients…
TRIADICALLYtriadically adv. In a triadic manner.
triadically adv. With reference to triads.
TRIADIC adv. having the characteristics of a triad.
TRIADICSTRIADIC n. a triadic substance, such as boron.
TRIADISMtriadism n. Belief in a triad.
TRIADISM n. the state of being a triad.
TRIADISMStriadisms n. Plural of triadism.
TRIADISM n. the state of being a triad.
TRIADISTtriadist n. One who believes in a triad.
TRIADIST n. a composer of triads.
TRIADISTStriadists n. Plural of triadist.
TRIADIST n. a composer of triads.
TRIADStriads n. Plural of triad.
TRIAD n. a group of three.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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