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There are 14 words beginning with TRIAC

TRIACtriac n. (Electronics) A three-terminal electronic component that conducts current in either direction when triggered;…
TRIAC n. Alternative form of triac.
TRIAC n. an electronic device used to control power.
TRIACETATEtriacetate n. (Countable, chemistry) Any compound containing three acetate groups.
triacetate n. (Uncountable) A fibre manufactured from cellulose triacetate.
TRIACETATE n. a kind of textile fibre.
TRIACETATEStriacetates n. Plural of triacetate.
TRIACETATE n. a kind of textile fibre.
TRIACIDtriacid adj. (Chemistry, of a base) Capable of combining with three molecules of a monobasic acid.
triacid n. (Chemistry) Any tribasic acid.
TRIACID n. a type of acid compound.
TRIACIDStriacids n. Plural of triacid.
TRIACID n. a type of acid compound.
TRIACONTERtriaconter n. (Historical, Ancient Greece) A vessel with thirty banks of oars, or thirty ranks of rowers.
TRIACONTER n. (historical) a Greek galley with thirty oars.
TRIACONTERStriaconters n. Plural of triaconter.
TRIACONTER n. (historical) a Greek galley with thirty oars.
TRIACStriacs n. Plural of triac.
TRIACs n. Plural of TRIAC.
TRIAC n. an electronic device used to control power.
TRIACTtriact adj. Having three rays; triactinal.
triact n. An organism having three rays.
TRIACT adj. three-rayed, also TRIACTINAL, TRIACTINE.
TRIACTINALtriactinal adj. Having three rays.
TRIACTINAL adj. three-rayed, also TRIACT, TRIACTINE.
TRIACTINEtriactine adj. Triactinal; having three rays.
triactine n. A triactinal spicule (of a sponge).
TRIACTINE adj. three-rayed, also TRIACT, TRIACTINAL.
TRIACTORTRIACTOR n. a wager whereby the bettor must pick the first three places in the correct order.
TRIACTORSTRIACTOR n. a wager whereby the bettor must pick the first three places in the correct order.
TRIACTStriacts n. Plural of triact.
TRIACT n. a three-rayed sponge spicule.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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