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There are 18 words beginning with TRACE

TRACEtrace n. An act of tracing.
trace n. An enquiry sent out for a missing article, such as a letter or an express package.
trace n. A mark left as a sign of passage of a person or animal.
TRACEABILITIEStraceabilities n. Plural of traceability.
TRACEABILITY n. the state of being traceable.
TRACEABILITYtraceability n. The ability to trace (identify and measure) all the stages that led to a particular point in a process…
TRACEABILITY n. the state of being traceable.
TRACEABLEtraceable adj. Capable of being traced; possible to track down.
TRACEABLE adj. that can be traced.
TRACEABLENESStraceableness n. The quality of being traceable.
TRACEABLENESS n. the state of being traceable.
TRACEABLENESSESTRACEABLENESS n. the state of being traceable.
TRACEABLYtraceably adv. In a traceable manner.
TRACEABLE adv. that can be traced.
TRACEDtraced v. Simple past tense and past participle of trace.
TRACE v. to follow the course of.
TRACELESStraceless adj. That has no traces.
traceless adj. That cannot be traced; untraceable.
TRACELESS adj. without trace.
TRACELESSLYtracelessly adv. Without leaving a trace.
TRACELESS adv. without trace.
TRACERtracer n. (Chemistry) A compound, element, or isotope used to track the progress or history of a natural process.
tracer n. A round of ammunition for a firearm that contains magnesium or another flammable substance arranged…
tracer n. The act or state of tracking or investigating something.
TRACERIEDtraceried adj. Decorated with tracery.
TRACERIED adj. with tracery.
TRACERIEStraceries n. Plural of tracery.
TRACERY n. ornamental work of interlaced lines.
TRACERStracers n. Plural of tracer.
TRACER n. a kind of ammunition.
TRACERYtracery n. (Architecture) Bars or ribs, usually of stone or wood, or other material, that subdivide an opening…
tracery n. (By extension) A delicate interlacing of lines reminiscent of the architectural ornament.
TRACERY n. ornamental work of interlaced lines.
TRACEStraces n. Plural of trace.
traces n. (Uncountable) minute remnants.
traces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of trace.
TRACEURtraceur n. A practitioner of parkour.
TRACEUR n. (French) a participant in parkour, the sport of running in urban areas performing gymnastics on manmade objects.
TRACEURStraceurs n. Plural of traceur.
TRACEUR n. (French) a participant in parkour, the sport of running in urban areas performing gymnastics on manmade objects.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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