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There are 18 words beginning with TACTI

TACTICtactic n. A maneuver, or action calculated to achieve some end.
tactic n. (Military) A maneuver used against an enemy.
tactic n. (Chess) A sequence of moves that limits the opponent’s options and results in an immediate and tangible…
TACTICALtactical adj. Of or relating to tactics.
tactical adj. Of or relating to military operations that are smaller or more local than strategic ones.
tactical adj. Adroit, skilful or ingenious.
TACTICALLYtactically adv. In a tactical manner; in a manner calculated to achieve some end.
tactically adv. Using tactics.
TACTICAL adv. relating to tactics.
TACTICIANtactician n. A person skilled in the planning and execution of tactics.
TACTICIAN n. one skilled in tactics.
TACTICIANStacticians n. Plural of tactician.
TACTICIAN n. one skilled in tactics.
TACTICITIEStacticities n. Plural of tacticity.
TACTICITY n. the stereochemical arrangement of units in the main chain of a polymer.
TACTICITYtacticity n. (Chemistry) The relative stereochemistry of adjacent chiral centers within a macromolecule.
TACTICITY n. the stereochemical arrangement of units in the main chain of a polymer.
TACTICStactics n. Plural of tactic.
tactics n. (Military) The military science that deals with achieving the objectives set by strategy.
tactics n. (Military) The employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other.
TACTILEtactile adj. Tangible; perceptible to the sense of touch.
tactile adj. Used for feeling.
tactile adj. Of or relating to the sense of touch.
TACTILELYtactilely adv. In a tactile manner; by, or relating to, the sense of touch.
TACTILE adv. pertaining to the sense of touch, also TACTUAL.
TACTILISTTACTILIST n. a painter who aims at tactile effects.
TACTILISTSTACTILIST n. a painter who aims at tactile effects.
TACTILITIEStactilities n. Plural of tactility.
TACTILITY n. the state of being tactile.
TACTILITYtactility n. The condition of being tactile (relating to or able to be perceived by the sense of touch).
tactility n. The ability to feel pressure or pain through touch.
TACTILITY n. the state of being tactile.
TACTIONtaction n. The act of touching; touch; contact.
taction n. The sense of touch.
TACTION n. the act of touching.
TACTIONStactions n. Plural of taction.
TACTION n. the act of touching.
TACTISMTACTISM n. the movement of a whole organism.
TACTISMSTACTISM n. the movement of a whole organism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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